9 Common Replacement Home Air Filter Misconceptions
Air filters are vital components of your HVAC system. To keep your furnace and air conditioning units working efficiently, the air filters need to be replaced regularly. When searching for the right replacement air filter, there are a number of factors to consider. In addition to the brand, the features of the air filter and your own unique health circumstances should be considered. To help you make the right choice when buying furnace filters, here are common misconceptions to avoid.
1. All Replacement Air Filters Are The Same
A home air filter is just a simple filter and they all perform the same, right? Not even close. The overall air quality of your home will not be the same with cheap replacement filters. As with many things in life, you get what you pay for and the same is true of high-quality furnace and home air filters.
The Maximum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) Scale measures how well filters clean the air. A higher MERV number means that a filter can remove finer particles from the air. Areas that need a perfect Indoor Air Quality, like a hospital, will have a MERV rating of above 14. However, filters of this rating may not be compatible with a regular home HVAC system. Check to find what MERV rating filters are best for your home HVAC unit.
Because all filters are not the same and your health is at stake, consider that for only a few more dollars a month, quality products are available. Our Accumulair replacement filters are a good example of a quality replacement air filter.
2. You Must Buy Your Air Filter From Your HVAC Provider/Installer
Another major misconception is that you need to buy filters from the same company that installed the HVAC system. This is not true. In reality, you will find greater selection and end up saving money when you purchase the replacement filter from our online store. As an example of the wide selection offered, we have over 100 sizes of 1-inch furnace filters.
3. Indoor Air Is Cleaner Than Outdoor Air
When we talk with customers, most are surprised to learn that the air inside is not as clean as the air outside. In fact, the U.S. EPA has observed that indoor air often has two to five times more pollutants than outdoor air. The increased level of pollutants indoors is a health concern to be aware of because most people spend about 90 percent of their time indoors.
Replacing filters on schedule can help to maintain better Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and avoid many of the health problems that come from poor IAQ such as eye irritation, headaches and coughs.
4. Home Air Filters Only Need to Be Replaced Annually
Many people think that home air filters do not be replaced regularly. If you only wait until you are breathing contaminated air, you may have been exposed to pollutants for some time before noticing the problem. If you change your home air filters annually, the easiest way to avoid exposing you and your family to pollutants is to follow the manufactures’ recommendation and change your HVAC system filters every 3 months. Beyond the negative impacts to your health, not changing home air filters regularly means the HVAC system is not running efficiently, costing you both more on your monthly bill and more in future maintenance and repairs.
Alternatively, if you are fortunate enough to live in a climate where you do not use your HVAC system often, you can use a furnace filter whistle. This device is simple to install and will alter you when your air filter is 50% clogged and should be replaced.
5. The Direction Of The Air Filter Does Not Matter
When installing an air filter, it cannot face in either direction. It is not enough to simply get the right size filter. You must install the air filter correctly, so it will work as desired. To install home air filters correctly, check which way the arrows are pointing on the side of the filter. This will ensure that it is matched up with the direction of air flow produced by the HVAC system.
All HVAC Systems & Home Environments Can Be Treated The Same
Generally, the longest recommended period between changing your home air filters is 90 days. Nonetheless, there are some conditions where this may not be sufficient. For example, as mentioned earlier, a home that does not use the HVAC system often may be able to go longer. Conversely, if a home has pets that have long hairs or if someone in the house smokes inside, the best chance to avoid future health problems due to poor indoor air quality is to check your filters monthly. Smoke fumes and pet hairs will be trapped in the air filters and their overall effectiveness will decrease over time. When the air filter traps too much hair and smoke particles, it will get clogged and affect the performance of the HVAC unit. Consider your specific situation and the number of occupants of the house to determine if air filters should be changed more frequently. -
Air Filter Vents Are All The Same Size
Another misconception is the size of home air filter vents. Thinking that all air vents are the same size is common with those who have lived in one house for many years. Normally, the length, width, and depth of the needed HVAC filter will vary from one building to another. That is why it is advised to get the measurements of the old HVAC filter before purchasing a new one. If an air filter has a loose fit once installed, it will allow polluted air to get through and contaminate the air your breath until it is changed.
8. There Is No Need To Modify The HVAC Unit
Along the same lines of all air filters are not the same, how your HVAC unit will be impacted by different filters is not the same either. If you purchase a filter outside of the recommended manufactures’ specifications, such as a high-efficiency filter, you may need to modify your HVAC unit. Having air as clean as hospital might sound nice, but just because you have such a filter does not mean your HVAC system can perform well with such a filter. A high efficiency filter may restrict airflow and therefore, you should either avoid a filter that does not fit within specifications or compensate by hiring an HVAC specialist to increase the fan output so the correct amount of air is circulated through the system.
9. You Only Need To Buy One Air Filter At a Time
Replacement home air filters are generally sold in packs of 2 or more. This is done for multiple reasons. First, shipping costs for a single filter often is not a good value. Second, many who are not familiar with replacing furnace and home air filters can damage them during the install process. And third and perhaps most important, we often need to change the filter in our homes before we have ordered a replacement. Having extra filters means you will never have to worry about whether you or your family is breathing in polluted air for days while you wait for a replacement to arrive in the mail. Ideally, stock up enough air filters in the house so that ordering is a simple annual task instead of every couple months. To encourage this, we offer free shipping on orders over $70.
There are hundreds of different size air filters, different efficiencies, different home HVAC systems and infinite different home environments. But, if you follow the manufacturer recommendations for your HVAC system and take into account your unique health needs and home environment, you are well on your way to ensuring that our home air quality will not cause you and your family health problems or unnecessary maintenance or monthly energy costs.