15.5x29x4 (Actual Size) APR 1550
Accumulair Replacement Filter
- MERV 11 Rating
- Supercharged pleated panel filtering media ideally suited for capturing fine airborne allergens such as dust, smoke, dander, mold, pet dander, and dust mites - attracts particulates like dust to a TV screen.
Heavy duty construction frame prevents airflow bypass.
- Merv 11 furnace filters and AC filters can remove mold spores, pollen, dust, lint, pet dander and more. Compared to fiberglass filters that only last 30 days, pleated furnace filters and pleated AC filters can last up to 90 days. Further, pleated home air filters are more effective and can remove dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold and even viruses or bacteria dependent upon the efficiency level. Pet dander, mold, secondhand smoke, household cleaning products and more all contribute to dirty air inside your home. The fact that people spend 90% of their time indoors, and that the air inside is often more dirty than the air outside, led the EPA to name Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as a top five environmental health risk. Change your home air filters regularly to prevent temporary and long-term negative health effects from breathing in dirty air.
- Type Furnace Filter
- Item# FA15.5X29X4A
- Brand Accumulair
- Size 15.5x29x4
- Actual 15.5x29x4