Reusable Versus Replaceable Air Filters: Find the Right One for You
December 05 2014
Tagged in Air Filter
Written by: Your Filter Connection
The air filter in your home has a key role in maintaining your HVAC system.
Air conditioner techs tell us that replacing your home air filters once every three months is the key to maintaining a well-running HVAC unit. These filters are generally inexpensive, but there are many varieties on the market. While there are options to each variety, generally people choose between reusable and replaceable filters. The right choice for you depends on how often you plan to replace your filters and what you’re willing to pay.
What Filters Do
A replacement Honeywell air filter has two basic advantages to the home: it prevents particulates from clogging the system and it helps filter the air you breathe. An air filter’s number one job is to keep your HVAC system from forcing air with too much pressure. Clogged filters cause the system to work harder than it needs to, so replacement is required.
Permanent Filters
So-called “permanent” filters are not really permanent, but they do offer a great value. An electrostatic furnace filter must be changed at least once every three months, but reusable filters can be washed rather than thrown out. This creates less waste for the environment, but it also offers a tremendous value to you as a consumer. With proper care, your filter should last for many years.
Replacement Filters
Filters that are replaceable tend to cost less upfront, and you can purchase a wide variety throughout the year. Replaceable filters tend to last a long time, but replacement filters can help if you have needs that change (like allergies in summer but not winter).